Last updated 11/1/2025

Who are we?

We are Sigma Recruitment Ltd, Titan House, Cardiff Bay Business Centre, Cardiff, CF24 5BS. We provide recruitment services to clients/prospective clients looking to recruit personnel for their businesses.

What does this Policy cover?

This Privacy Policy explains our use of personal data for the individuals listed in the table below.

What personal data do we collect, and why do we use it?

The table below explains who we collect personal data about, what that personal data is and the purpose we process it for.

The last column sets out the ‘lawful basis’ we rely on for processing that personal data which is a requirement of data protection rules. Essentially, companies may only process personal data if they can identify a lawful basis from a list set out in the legislation.


Individual Personal Data Source and Purpose Lawful Basis for Processing
Candidates/Prospective Candidates Name, contact details (address, email, phone numbers), CVs, identification documents, educational records, profile picture, work history, telephone call recordings including ai generated transcripts, links to social media profiles, employment record, video (where a video interview is completed), recording of online meetings via Teams, Zoom or similar (audio and video) and references, correspondence, meeting transcripts and notes including AI generated, remuneration details and other personal data provided by you as part of the recruitment or engagement process.

We rarely process special category information such as racial, disability, trade union or health information where you have made this available to us. We ask you not to supply us with special category data.

We collect this information directly from you during the recruitment, engagement and onboarding stages. Or from a third-party provider for example via job boards (Totaljobs, Jobsite, CV-Library, Indeed, Reed, or similar) on which you have posted a CV or from LinkedIn (if you are a first-level connection of a current or previous member of our team or have messaged us expressing interest in a job or our services)

Sometimes we collect information from third parties such as an agent acting on your behalf such as an interim manager or from a third-party recommendation or a person giving a reference.

We do use some publicly available sources to find information about potential candidates, specifically LinkedIn and company websites.

Notes from meetings, market intelligence/research discussions or interviews with us may be produced using an automated note-taking or transcription tool, which may employ Artificial Intelligence (AI).

See note below “Where we obtain your data” section for full details of suppliers/tools that may be used to source and process your data.

We use this data to make you aware of vacancies via email, LinkedIn/Social Media messages, SMS (mobile and landline), and phone calls (including voicemails). We could also use this data to make you aware of our wider recruitment services for example our, free career/CV review services or example candidate scheme. We use software settings to limit the times in which we contact you to sociable hours, however, there is a chance that due to matters outside our control, you could be contacted at unsociable hours, if this is a major concern then please opt-out – refer to opting out below for details.

Candidates/Prospective candidates should be aware that any information they share with us (verbally or in writing) could be potentially shared with our clients, during an application process or after the process if the candidate is placed in a job by us., in which case the information provided may be passed to their employer/our client.

Candidates/Prospective candidates should note that Sigma Recruitment is not under any obligation to store your details, and can remove them at any time at our discretion.

AI we may upload data to AI tools such as Chat GPT, Gemini, Apple AI, Co-Pilot, or other AI tools for the purpose of supporting our marketing of Candidates/Prospective candidates’ details to Clients/Prospective Clients.

Data Verification: we may provide details to data verification tools such as Never Bounce or other email checking tools. This is to check the data we hold is accurate. We may upload phone numbers to Selectabase or similar providers to check the number against the TPS, and CTPS register.

When you give us permission to present your CV to a client, your details, including your CV, will be uploaded to a third-party online CV portal to give the client access to your details, this software uses AI tools such as ChatGPT to review your CV and suggest wording to the overview that the client sees, it does not amend your CV.

Candidate Focus Newsletter, Example Candidate Profile Scheme, see below sectiom  for further details.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests of assessing suitability for potential roles, to find potential candidates for clients.

Please note we do not consider job information/job alert emails, SMS or calls to be marketing under GDPR/PECR. However, you can of course still opt out of these communications at any time. Please see opting out of communications below for details on how to opt-out.





Contact details (address, email, phone numbers), links to social media profiles, profile picture, and correspondence details. Telephone call recordings including ai generated transcripts, links to social media profiles, video (where a video interview is completed), and recording of online meetings via Teams, Zoom or similar (audio and video), meeting transcripts and notes including AI-generated. Reference contact details may be given to us by candidates as part of the recruitment process.

Other personal data about referees are given to us by you directly.

AI we may upload data to AI tools such as Chat GPT, Gemini, Apple AI, Co-Pilot, or other AI tools

See note below “Where we obtain your data” section for full details of suppliers/tools that may be used to source and process your data.

Our legitimate interest as a business in obtaining references on candidates.
Individuals who contact us with general queries



Any details provided, correspondence, links to social media profiles, profile picture, and any other data supplied. Telephone call recordings including ai generated transcripts, links to social media profiles, employment records, video (where a video interview is completed), and recording of online meetings via Teams, Zoom or similar (audio and video), meeting transcripts and notes including AI-generated. This information is given to us by you.

It is used to respond to the query and keep a record of it. We could respond via LinkedIn/social media messages, email, SMS (to mobiles and landlines), and phone calls (including voicemails). We use software settings to limit the times in which we contact you to sociable hours, however, there is a chance that due to matters outside our control, you could be contacted at unsociable hours, if this is a major concern then please opt-out – refer to opting out below for details.

AI we may upload data to AI tools such as Chat GPT, Gemini, Apple AI, Co-Pilot, or other AI tools

We may use your data for marketing purposes.

Data Verification we may provide details to data verification tools such as Never Bounce or other email checking tools. This is to check the data we hold is accurate. We may upload phone numbers to Selectabase or similar providers to check the number against the TPS, CTPS register.

AI we may upload data to AI tools such as Chat GPT, Gemini, Apple AI, Co-Pilot, or other AI tools

See note below “Where we obtain your data” section for full details of suppliers/tools that may be used to source and process your data.

Our legitimate interests as a business in responding to and keeping a record of correspondence.
Clients, prospective clients, previous clients Name, contact details (address, email, phone numbers), job title, company name, correspondence and notes. Recordings of Teams, Zoom or similar meetings (audio and video), meeting transcripts, including AI-generated notes, telephone call recordings including ai generated transcripts, profile pictures, and links to social media profiles. This information is given to us by you (email or telephone enquiry), your company or publicly available information (for example on your website), LinkedIn (if you are a first-level connection of a current or previous member of our team or have engaged with us via a message/connection request), a third-party data provider (for example Apollo), from an email signature or an out of office email from another person within your company. See the list below of software programs/data suppliers that may be used to obtain data. Note that sometimes programs are used in conjunction with each other to enrich the data.


It is used for us to fulfil contracts and engage in business discussions. And also for business development and marketing to make you aware of our recruitment services and candidates via LinkedIn/social media messages, email, SMS (mobiles and landlines), and phone calls (including voicemails). It might be that we contact you on a personal mobile if you are using this in a business capacity/or if we think you are. We use software settings to limit the times in which we contact you to sociable hours, however, there is a chance that due to matters outside our control, you could be contacted at unsociable hours, if this is a major concern then please opt-out – refer to opting out below for details.

AI we may upload data to AI tools such as Chat GPT, Gemini, Apple AI, Co-Pilot or other AI tools; these tools are not used for fully automated decision-making regarding candidates or prospective candidates. Generally, these tools are used to help us evaluate data and improve job adverts, marketing, CV profiles and overviews, and candidate focus profiles (where we have consent to produce a profile). We may also use these tools as part of the recruitment process, including assessing candidate/prospective candidate suitability, but a human will make the final decision.

Notes from meetings, market intelligence/research discussions or interviews with us may be produced using an automated note-taking or transcription tool, which may employ Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Data Verification we may provide details to data verification tools such as Never Bounce or other email and data checking tools. This is to check the data we hold is accurate. We may upload phone numbers to Selectabase or similar providers to check the number against the TPS, CTPS register.

See note below “Where we obtain your data” section for full details of suppliers/tools that may be used to source and process your data.

You can opt out at any time see opting-out below.

Our legitimate interests as a business in responding to and keeping a record of correspondence. And also for our legitimate interest of direct marketing, marketing recruitment services and/or candidates to you.

Some information is also necessary for us to perform any contract we have with you.

We class all types of clients as “corporate subscribers” for GDPR/PECR purposes unless companies are sole traders or non-limited partnerships, in which case we try to avoid data collection from third-party sources.

Coaching clients (ie where you are a client of ours we are providing coaching services to) Contact details, correspondence, assessments, profile picture, links to social media profiles, the information provided, analysis and recommendations and opinions.

Special category information such as health, disability or ethnicity or racial information is only processed if provided by you.

This information is given to us by you.


Occasionally we undertake feedback sessions as part of coaching which may involve the provision of information about you from other people known to or nominated by you.


We use the information to provide our coaching services to you.

See note below “Where we obtain your data” section for full details of suppliers/tools that may be used to source and process your data.

Our legitimate interests as a business in providing coaching services. Some information may also be necessary specifically for us to perform the contract.

We only process special category data with your express consent.


Suppliers and contractors (and prospective suppliers/contractors) Name, contact details (address, email, phone numbers), job title, company name, correspondence and notes. Recordings of Teams, Zoom or similar meetings (audio and video), meeting transcripts, including AI-generated notes, telephone call recordings including ai generated transcripts, profile pictures, and links to social media profiles. This information is given to us by you or from publicly available information (for example on your website).

AI we may upload data to AI tools such as Chat GPT, Gemini, Apple AI, Co-Pilot or other AI tools;

It is used for us to fulfil contracts and engage in business discussions.

Notes from meetings, market intelligence/research discussions or interviews with us may be produced using an automated note-taking or transcription tool, which may employ Artificial Intelligence (AI).

See note below “Where we obtain your data” section for full details of suppliers/tools that may be used to source and process your data.

Our legitimate interests as a business in responding to and keeping a record of correspondence. Some information is also necessary for us to perform our contract – for example certain contact details.
Website Visitors Information from cookies. For more details see our Cookie Policy. This information is collected via the cookies when you use our website.

Necessary, functional, analytics, performance, advertisement, and others. For more details see our Cookie Policy.

We only install non-essential cookies with your consent. For more details see our Cookie Policy.

Where we have indicated in the table above that we rely on legitimate interests for the processing of personal data, we carry out a ‘balancing’ test to ensure that our processing is necessary and that your fundamental rights of privacy are not outweighed by our legitimate interests, before we go ahead with such processing.

Where we obtain data, third-party data, and software/tools used. 

Data and third-party data

Where we collect, enhance, compare or screen data through third parties, we may do this with the aid of software tools or third-party data suppliers and websites such as but not exclusive to (Cognism, Zimplify, Dun & Bradstreet, Apollo, Pipl, ZenLeads Inc, ZenProspect, ZoomInfo, BoardEx, Kaspr, Pipl, Coresignal, Sparkhire, Lusha, Selectabase, Clearbit, Hubspot, SignalHire, Rocket, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, Facebook, TikTock, Instagram, Lempire, NeverBounce, Zapier, People Data Labs,, Highr Pattern Inc, Angellist, Gravatar, Deeptrace (Coresignal), ChatGPT, Gemini, Co-pilot, etc). These programs/suppliers are given parameters and search through available sources to find candidate/prospective candidates and client/prospective client data. These programs/suppliers are instructed to only output information that meets the search criteria. The parameters of this program/suppliers are restricted to only searching for information/data from sites where there is a reasonable expectation that such information may be collected and further processed by recruiters for the purpose of sourcing candidates/prospective candidates for job roles or making clients/prospective clients aware of candidates, recruitment services and market information, including direct marketing of recruitment services. Where any client data is collected, this data is treated as a “corporate subscriber”, we attempt to exclude all data (for marketing) from contacts at sole traders or partnerships, unless provided to us. In some cases, the programs used may employ AI.

If you would like more information on how and where we obtained your data, please email and quote “data source”. Many of the listed suppliers also allow you to opt-out if you contact them directly. We tried to list privacy policies and opt-outs from suppliers where possible; see the end of this document “supplier privacy information”. If any links are out of date, let us know, and we will try and locate an up-to-date version. 

Email & Project Management Tools

Note that we may use email/messaging sequencing software to contact you examples of such programs are Better Proposals, Mailerlite, Apollo, Superhuman Email, ZenProspect, ZenLeads Inc, Lempire List, Zimplify, Sendy, Bullhorn Automation/Herefish and any other similar tools, some of which may also integrate with our CRM database. Many of the suppliers listed will also enable you to opt-out if you contact them directly.

Note with Superhuman Email: Publicly available information, such as publicly available social media information about users and Non-Users and other details that may be aggregated and provided to Superhuman by third-party data providers. The types of data they receive may depend on your privacy settings with the relevant social networks and the types of data available to their data providers. Therefore, the data being pulled in by Superhuman will be restricted by your user account settings, which you configure within your social media profiles. You can opt-out from Clearbit Data by emailing

We use UseMotion for project management – data is held in the USA, security details here:

Data cleaning/data input and TPS/CTPS checking software tools

We may use tools such as NeverBouce(ZoomInfo) or similar to check the validity of emails, and we may use Zapier or similar data automation tools to move data around within our systems.

We use tools such as Selectabase to check numbers against the TPS&CTPS register.

AI Software Tools 

ChatGPT (including via CV portal), Gemini, MS Co-Pilot,, Apple AI, Superhuman Email and similar AI tools- these tools are not used for fully automated decision-making regarding candidates or prospective candidates. Generally, these tools are used to help us evaluate data, marketing, to improve job adverts, CV profiles and overviews, and candidate focus profiles (where we have consent to produce a profile), to review answers to questions asked and to generate meetings notes, transcripts. We may also use these tools as part of the recruitment process, including assessing candidate/prospective candidate suitability, but a human will make the final decision.

Monitoring Tools 

We use computer, network, software, telephone and CCTV monitoring tools on business devices and in our office to ensure that our employees act according to our company policies, including GDPR and PECR. Details are stored in the monitoring software for 6 months.

Special Category Data

We strictly request that you do not supply us with any of the below data unless we specifically request it as part of our client’s recruitment/onboarding process (which you have the right to refuse):-

If you choose to supply us with any of the above data, you agree to indemnify Sigma Recruitment and its staff against any losses or claims arising from your supply of this data.

How long do we keep your personal data for?

We keep your information only for as long as is necessary for the relevant purpose. For example, if we have a contract with you, this will be for 6.5 years after expiry in order to assist us with any contractual claims. We use a number of criteria for determining the retention period including obligations under the law, our need to defend or bring contractual claims within the statutory limitation period and consideration of the original purpose we collected it for.

Who do we share your personal data with?

Data may be shared with the following parties:-

 What happens if you do not provide us with the information we request or ask that we stop processing your information?

If you do not provide the personal data necessary, we may not be able to respond to your query or consider your application or request or match you with available role opportunities or provide the relevant services to you.

Do we make automated decisions concerning you?

Automated decisions are those made without human intervention that has a legal effect on you or another similarly significant effect (for example determining whether you are eligible for a job). For candidates, we may make automated decisions about you during the assessment stage of any recruitment process. We put candidates through a structured screening process to assess whether each candidate meets the specific criteria for a particular position. These assessments may be fully automated e.g. online pre-screening tests. As these assessments may result in a candidate being deemed not suitable for a position by means of a solely automated assessment, we only undertake this activity with the candidate’s explicit consent. We also carry out personality profiling on candidates with the candidate’s consent.

Opting out of communications – you can opt-out or pause communications at any time. 

Flexible opt-out

If you wish to opt out of one or more methods of contact but are happy to be contacted by another please email with your full name, and state which methods you want to unsubscribe from, for example, please unsubscribe from SMS/text, but continue to email and call me. Or please unsubscribe from email and SMS but continue to call me.

Removal of details

Caution on opt-out & deletion for candidates

If you opt out, or delete your details but we see you are active again on the job boards, apply for a position handled by Sigma Recruitment, submit details on our website, engage with us on LinkedIn or submit details via email. We may contact you again, as it is reasonable to assume that you wish to be made aware of new jobs, and recruitment services again. If you don’t want to be contacted by Sigma or other recruitment agencies, remove your details from all the job boards you registered with; if you are active on the job boards, there is a risk that recruiters will contact you. If you don’t want to be contacted specifically by Sigma Recruitment, then email with “permanent unsubscribe”. For clients or prospective clients, it’s likely that we will contact you again if you move to a new company with a new business email address, and or new telephone numbers. 

Requesting Further Information

If you want to know where we obtained your data, email “data source” to


If you opt out of all communications, we will not be able to keep you updated with our latest jobs, and you may miss out on some fantastic opportunities.

Call Recording

We may record telephone calls in and out of our organisation for training and monitoring purposes.

Candidate Focus Newsletter, Example Candidate Profile Scheme

If you give permission to be included in our free candidate focus newsletter, candidate profile/example candidate scheme.  Being included means we may create and share with clients/prospective clients a short profile highlighting your key skills and experience; it won’t give your name or contact details. We may also display the profile publically on our website and social media; online profiles are searchable by sector, job title/skills, location and keywords. We will not share your full CV without your permission. Data shared could include experience, industry sectors, education, qualifications, achievements, location, job titles, and salary expectations. You can see examples of how the profiles look on our website here and here

Terms: You can ask us to remove, amend or see a copy of your profile anytime by emailing and quoting “example candidate remove”. Once you give permission, if you complete another application or online booking and don’t agree to the scheme on that occasion, we will not remove your profile or stop sharing it unless you contact us quoting “example candidate remove”. Please contact us urgently if you did not agree to be included in the scheme. Sigma Recruitment will not be obliged to create a profile; if one is created,  Sigma reserves the right to remove it at any time or within 6 years of adding it (unless you ask us to remove it before). There is a small chance that a third party could think they know the identity of the person behind the profile; if you are unhappy with this, you can withdraw your profile at any time. Sigma does not confirm profile identities to third parties without express permission from the profile owner.

Speculative CV Marketing Scheme 

If you give permission to be included, we will market your CV to third parties, including clients and/or prospective clients; we may also make your details available publically on our website (excluding contact details and name)

Terms: You can ask us to remove, amend or see a copy of your profile anytime by emailing and quoting “stop cv marketing”. Once you give permission, if you complete another application or online booking and don’t agree to the scheme on that occasion, we will not stop marketing unless you contact us quoting “stop cv marketing”. Please contact us urgently if you did not agree to be included in the scheme. Sigma Recruitment will not be obliged to market any CVs.

Do we transfer your data outside the UK and Europe?

We may sometimes transfer your personal data to countries outside the UK and European Economic Area, for example, to our group companies, or suppliers, if we are either using a supplier or working with a client based elsewhere. You can find the list of European member states by clicking on the following link: The privacy laws in countries outside the UK and European Economic Area may be different from those in your home country.

At present, we transfer personal data to the following countries outside of the UK and European Economic Area: including South Africa, The Philippines, Australia, India, the USA, and Canada.

Where we transfer data to a country that has not been deemed to provide adequate data protection standards, we always have security measures and try to use approved model clauses or other adequate safeguards in place to protect your personal data. Please contact us if you want more details about our safeguards for data transfers.

What rights do you have in relation to the data we hold on you?

By law, you have a number of rights when it comes to your personal data. Further information and advice about your rights can be obtained from the data protection regulator in your country. In the UK this is the Information Commissioner.

We usually act on requests and provide information free of charge, but may charge a reasonable fee to cover our administrative costs of providing the information for:

Alternatively, we may be entitled to refuse to act on the request in some circumstances.

Please consider your request responsibly before submitting it. We’ll respond as soon as we can. Generally, this will be within one month from when we receive your request but, if the request is going to take longer to deal with, we’ll come back to you and let you know.

Steps we take to secure your data

Rights What does this mean?
1.         The right to be informed You have the right to be provided with clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how we use your information and your rights. This is why we’re providing you with the information in this Privacy Policy. If you have any additional questions, for example regarding transfers and locations of data or our legitimate interests basis, do please get in touch.
2.         The right of access You have the right to obtain access to your information (if we are processing it), and certain other information (similar to that provided in this Privacy Policy).

This is so you’re aware and can check that we’re using your information in accordance with data protection law.

3.         The right to rectification You are entitled to have your information corrected if it’s inaccurate or incomplete.
4.         The right to erasure This is also known as the right to be forgotten and, in simple terms, enables you to request the deletion or removal of your information where there is no compelling reason for us to keep using it. This is not a general right, there are exceptions.
5.         The right to restrict processing You have rights to ‘block’ or suppress further use of your information. When processing is restricted, we can still store your information, but may not use it further. We keep lists of people who have asked for further use of their information to be ‘blocked’ to make sure the restriction is respected in future.
6.         The right to data portability You have rights to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services. This is not a normal scenario for companies of our nature but if you have any questions you can contact us.
7.         The right to object to processing You have the right to object to certain types of processing, including processing for direct marketing or where we are relying on our legitimate interests for processing (e.g. if you no longer want to be contacted with potential role opportunities).
8.         The right to lodge a complaint You have the right to lodge a complaint about the way we handle or process your personal data with your national data protection regulator. In the UK this is the ICO; you can contact them here Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
9.         The right to withdraw consent


If you have given your consent to anything we do with your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (although if you do so, it does not mean that anything we have done with your personal data with your consent up to that point is unlawful). This includes your right to withdraw consent to us using your personal data for marketing purposes.


All individuals listed in the table above and who agree to this policy, for example, Candidates, Prospective Candidates, Clients, Prospective Clients and Previous Clients, agree that all communication between Sigma Recruitment Ltd and them is confidential and that communications will not be shared with any third party unless there is a legal obligation for them to do so.

Updating this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in personal data protection legislation and best practices. When we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will change the “last updated” date above and our communications will always link to the latest version.

How can you contact us?

If you are unhappy with how we’ve handled your information or have further questions on the processing of your personal data, or how we obtained it, please contact us via or 02920 450 100

Supplier Privacy Information – provided for convenience only – Sigma does not accept responsibility for content or broken links.

Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Data Opt-Out Form
Privacy Center & GDPR Information

Opt-Out Form

Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Dun & Bradstreet:
Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Opt-Out Information

Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Opt-Out Form

Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Data Opt-Out Form

Lusha: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Opt-Out Request

Selectabase: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Clearbit: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Opt-Out Form

Hubspot: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Data Subject Access Request Form

SignalHire: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information –

Opt-Out Request

LinkedIn: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Opt-Out Settings

Facebook Meta: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Data Opt-Out Information

TikTok: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Instagram Meta: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Data Opt-Out Information

NeverBounce: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Zapier: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

People Data Labs: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Opt-Out Request

Superhuman: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

AngelList: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

Opt-Out Information

Gravatar: Privacy Policy & GDPR Information

ChatGPT OpenAI: Privacy Policy Privacy Policy

Copilot: Copilot Privacy Policy

Gemini: Privacy Policy | Gemini

Lempire: lempire | Privacy Policy & Legal

X: X Privacy Policy

Rocket: Privacy Policy –

Deeptrace (Coresignal): DeepTrace (

BoardEX: Privacy Notice – BoardEx

Kaspr: Privacy Policy | Kaspr

© Sigma Recruitment Ltd. 2020 Company Number 5659374 | VAT No: 869514188 | Terms of Service | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy